Sunday, February 7, 2016

Youth Ag Day is March 15th! Free to All 3rd Grade Classes in Solano County!

Tuesday March 15, 2016
Youth Ag Day
9:00 am - 1:00 pm - North Grounds

For additional information, please call: (707) 551-2002

The annual Youth Ag Day is a collaborative effort of the Solano County Fair and agricultural related businesses, organizations, farmers, ranchers and other individuals to encourage Solano County third graders to experience agriculture first-hand.

This fun and educational event is free to all third grade classes in Solano County and features a wide variety of rotational learning stations and displays. Activities are designed to give children the opportunity to learn about food and fiber production from new perspectives, with a particular emphasis on the agricultural wealth of Solano County. Children participate in hands-on displays and educational presentations as well as an optional pre-event classroom project to enhance the field trip learning experience.

2016 marks the 14th annual Youth Ag Day, an event that would not be possible without a dedicated core of volunteers, presenters from all facets of agriculture, and many generous individual and group sponsors who provide needed funds to subsidize bus transportation for students.

Click Here To Get Information About Being A Presenter

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